miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2007


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uy si supieran cuanto me costo encontrar este disco.....me costo un huevo, la mitad del otro, un ojo y 7 dedos......pero aqui se los traigo......recordaran a la señorita Devil Doll con su Queen of Pain......intenso, grandes melodias, todo lo necesario....este disco sigue la linea, con un poco menos de poder, es mas relajado

i gave one nut, half of the other one, an eye and 7 fingers to get my claws on this record...biut here it is....you MUST remember Devil Doll and her Queen of Pain .....intense, great tunes, everything it needs.........this record follows the line, just a little less power, but a record you can listen to relax.....

...I would hold your hand, or stand in a crowd
I would buy you flowers, but they'll die anyway
I'll cover'em with butter just to get you to stay
I'm the one who got away, dosent matter what you say
You'll regret it til' your dying day, 'cause I'm the one who got away.....

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2007

ZOMBIE GHOST TRAIN -- Dealing The Death Card

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de esta banda australiana les traigo el segundo, tercero si cuentan su ep.....ultimamente es lo unico que suena en el estereo cuando voy a toda velocidad en la noche......tambien suena durante el dia de hecho me gusta mas el Glad Rags and Bloody Bags peror ese ya lo han de tener...y decidi presumirles este que no esta nada malo........psychobilly para tu corazoncito

second one from this australian band, 3erd if you count the ep..........lately its what sounds on the radio when i go speeding at night ......it could be heard playing at other hours....in fact i like much more Glad Rags and Bloody Bags but i guess you already have that one.....i want you to listen to this.....psychobilly for you heart

Midnight, the silence comes ripping
like a the black in the darkness, visions of you appear......
.....tonight, tonight 13 tears I have bleed for you, tonight
midnight and I am bleeding