sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2007


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OK seguramente ya conocen a esta banda.....rapida e intensa, por aqui lei que le decian power psyscho....no lo he corroborado nunca en otro lugar....seguramente si....exudan poder estos brasileños

OK...probably you allready know about this band......fast and intense, here i read its called power psycho........never heard again....but surelly they do call it that way.......this brazilians exude power

estoy seguro que por mi falta de compromiso nadie visita este blog jajjajaja

I am sure that due to my lack of commitment nobody visit this blog hahahaha

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2007


llevo meses con estos dos proyectos en la cabeza....el segundo es mucho mas grande que este......asi que me tardare un poco mas.....pero el motivo de que me anime a postear este proyecto es que tuve un gran fin de semana.....

Esta es una cancion de nofx que se llama 13 stitches....

well, i had this proyets in my head for months, two of them.....the second one is bigger so it might be delayed some more time......but the reason for me doing this post its because i had a great weekend......

This is a nofx song, called 13 stitches......

The first time i saw The Descendents,
they were the fastest band i'd ever seen
no one in the crowd really cared for them,
we were waiting for The Ally Cats to play

After a couple months i heard Kabuki Girl,
on Rodney On The Roo late sunday night
that was enough
for me, i hopped the bus
to Licorice Pizza
and baught my all time favorite record

the next time i went to the whiskey,
it was DOA with Millions of Dead Copsthe latter band played faster than i could believe
but the songs sounded the same and kinda sucked
'cept John Wayne was a Nazi,
and Joey Shithead was a drunk
then John Macias beat some hippie to a pulp,
cuz having long hair was a mistake

the third time i went to the hospital,
i needed 13 stitches in my head
i managed to catch about 6 songs of Ill Repute,
then some suicidal threw me into a post
my girlfriend started to cry
cuz we had to leave
before DRI played 50 lousy songs
my blood stained shirt smelled of clove cigarettes
but it sure looked pretty cool after a wash

The Descendents-----Cool To Be You
The Alley Cats-----Nightmare City
Kabuki Girl-----A Descendents's song from the record Milo Goes to College
D.O.A.-----True, Strong & Free
Millions of Dead Cops-----Millions Of Dead Cops(record)
John Wayne was a Nazi-----Song from the MDC(millions of dead cops) from the same record i uploaded
Ill Repute-----Oxnard,land of no toilets ep
D.R.I.-----(Dirty Rotten Imbecils) Dirty Rotten Ep

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2007

post corto, debido a falta de informacion


mmmmmm aqui esta un tributillo que encontre por ahi...no hay portada porque no la encontre, no hay ni siquiera fotos de ese grupo no se nada....solo se que es un tributo a esa banda que a todos nos gusto y que luego se volvio basura y desaparecio....

here, a tribute i found around...theres no album cover, no pics of the band no nothing nothing I could find around on the web......the only we may know its that it is a tribute to a band everybody once loved and then became shit and desapeared