miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2007


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uy si supieran cuanto me costo encontrar este disco.....me costo un huevo, la mitad del otro, un ojo y 7 dedos......pero aqui se los traigo......recordaran a la señorita Devil Doll con su Queen of Pain......intenso, grandes melodias, todo lo necesario....este disco sigue la linea, con un poco menos de poder, es mas relajado

i gave one nut, half of the other one, an eye and 7 fingers to get my claws on this record...biut here it is....you MUST remember Devil Doll and her Queen of Pain .....intense, great tunes, everything it needs.........this record follows the line, just a little less power, but a record you can listen to relax.....

...I would hold your hand, or stand in a crowd
I would buy you flowers, but they'll die anyway
I'll cover'em with butter just to get you to stay
I'm the one who got away, dosent matter what you say
You'll regret it til' your dying day, 'cause I'm the one who got away.....

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2007

ZOMBIE GHOST TRAIN -- Dealing The Death Card

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de esta banda australiana les traigo el segundo, tercero si cuentan su ep.....ultimamente es lo unico que suena en el estereo cuando voy a toda velocidad en la noche......tambien suena durante el dia de hecho me gusta mas el Glad Rags and Bloody Bags peror ese ya lo han de tener...y decidi presumirles este que no esta nada malo........psychobilly para tu corazoncito

second one from this australian band, 3erd if you count the ep..........lately its what sounds on the radio when i go speeding at night ......it could be heard playing at other hours....in fact i like much more Glad Rags and Bloody Bags but i guess you already have that one.....i want you to listen to this.....psychobilly for you heart

Midnight, the silence comes ripping
like a the black in the darkness, visions of you appear......
.....tonight, tonight 13 tears I have bleed for you, tonight
midnight and I am bleeding

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2007

The Fuzztones Lysergic Emanations

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se me ocurrio subir esto hoy ya que ando intentando hacer un regreso a esto del blog y no quise pensar mucho que subir, porque ando haciendo un pequeño proyecto de nuevo......mas corto que el anterior......vi en el blog de Frank que le pedian algo de los Fuzztones.....dije ya se, porque no hecharle la mano al buen Frank.....este disco tiene aun mas años que yo, garage de buenas epocas pasadas.....sonidos rudos y crudos para tu cabeza.....

I uploaded this cause im trying to make a come back to the blog and really didnt wanted to think a lot......im on a project, shorter that the last one.....and then i saw on Frank's blog someone asked him for the Fuzztones......and why the hell not....im gonna help good ol' Frank with it.........this record its older that I am......garage from good times before our time....rude and raw sounds for your head.........

Hey, hey, hey, hey, everybody
Im looking for a girl
And she's a shot this one
And in the hole wide world....I wanna be her man
I wanna catch her if I can
I met her at the bar
You know we danced all night
Now when i kiss her lips
She really held me tight
Hey Hey Hey Hey Cinderrella

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2007

Metalocalypse The Dethalbum

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ok digamos primero antes que nada que odio el death, el black y todo tipo de metal que sea con chillidos o gargaras guturales......pero esto simplemente es una joyita.......una serie que expone todos los cliches de dichos generos y los hace divertidos.........soy fan....es de las mejores cosas que he descubierto en meses, o tal vez en todo el año....no habia hallado de donde bajarlo hasta que lo encontre en un blog muy malo, tiene puras cumbias y cosas extrañas, es como si esto hubiera sido puesto como aqui solo por bromear.....me tomare la libertad de robar el link, cosa que nunca hago pero ahi ya esta y su publico no es para este tipo de cosas.....yo me tome la libertad de añadir las canciones del disco de lujo o "Deluxe" o edicion especial en idioma coloquial.......disfrutenlo es una broma que adoro

first of all...I hate death, black and al that kind of metal that sings like pigs were dying or like you are talking with your mouth full and all that kind of gutural sounds......but i love this series....every single cliche from those genres its in those songs ....im a fan......its probably the one of the best things ive found lately.....y found it on a really bad blog that has tropical shit and stuff like that.....its like it was put there as a joke, like i do it........im gonna steal his link, its not for his kind of audience, but im gonna add the deluxe tracks from the second special disc .......i love this cliche!!!!

download regular album:
I am be dangerous now
Not me hurt
When stairs fell down
Be pushed by you
Me hit head
Me nose broke
Soon you be dead
Soon you be dead

So strong my face is
You punch break fingers
Kick me you're limping
Stab me you're bleeding
I am be angerous now
You throwing rock at me
Hit eye and it no hurt me
I'm strong
You're not
You're not

download deluxe part
Do You Folks Like Coffee?
Real Coffee,
From the Hills Of Colombia?

The Duncan awake You
From A Thousand Deaths.
A Cup Of blackened Blood.
(Die, Die)
You're Dying For A Cup.

Guatemala Blend,
French Vanilla Roast.
(Die, Die)
You're Dying For A Cup.

Prepare For Ultimate Flavor!
You're Gonna Get Some... now
And Scream... For Your Cream


domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2007

Iberia Trash

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ok esto no es trash de ese que es una mezcla entre punk y metal......es simplemente el nombre de una banca de psychobilly española........banda?¿ podriamos llamarle dueto.........no tienen contrabajo y aun asi logran un sonido psycho al que no podemos reprocharle casi nada durante el disco......un poco sucia la grabacion nada mas.....no podemos decir otras cosas.....

this is not the kind of trash that mixes punk and metal, its just the name of a psychobilly band from spain....band?¿ should we calle em that? they are just a duete(?¿), aint got an upricht bass but they play a psycho sound we cant complain about....the recording its a little bit scrachy and has poor quality...but thats it

Yo prometo serte malo,
Si te acercas a mi lado
Darte mil besos
Si aclaras por fin tus dudas
Me cambiare al lado oscuro
Por ser solamente tuyo
Ser un tipo crudo y duro
Solo por un susurro……de ti

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lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2007


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amo las peliculas de Rob Zombie.....y tienen casi tan buena seleccion de banda sonora como las de Tarantino........disfrutenla......

I just love ROb Zombie's movies...and they've got almost a soundtrack selection as good as Tarantino's......dig in and enjoy....

Oh we are what we are when in danger
And we are as we stand head in hand
When a friend brings to light
On a cold silver knife
You can stare your fate right into his hand
-into his hand

Oh we are what we are when we're praying
In our own way of seeking some light
May the mission bell still ring
Of the colourful dreams
In the faith that everyone will be treated right

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lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2007

Road of Sin

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este disco lo habia buscado por mucho tiempo, ya que no hay informacion en la pagina del grupo, nunca la actualizan......pero igual son increibles.....cuando lo halle en un blog estaba en una pagina si no tenias ip ruso no te permitia bajarlo.....luego lo halle con los nazis de soulseek....caray lo que tengo que hacer para tener musica....

I looked for this everywhere......but when i finally found it....it was on a server that only allowed you to download if you had a russian ip.....then i found it on soulseek...fuckin natzis......its a load of shit to find good music....

he's got a dark soul,
he's got a black heart,
he`s got the bloody hands......
slip, slash, kill

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2007

algo mas suave a lo acostumbrado

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bueno ahora para algo completamente diferente una banda un poco mas suave, popera y pegajosa, seguro la conocen y tal vez no sepan que lo hacen....este disco me lo regalaron al intentar regalarme uno de clash que ya obviamente tengo...se quedaron con cara de ahhhh mmmmm bueno entonces te regalo este otro que compre para mi.....y fue un regalo algo extraño...nunca me habian dado nada en san valentin

well now for something completely different...this is soft pop and catchy...you ure know em and probably you do even if you think you dont......this record was a gift as someone tried to give me a clash record that i allready have of course then just said "well keep this one that i bought for me".....it was strange, i never ever got a valentine's day gift before.....

But baby, remember
It's my life and I'll do what I want
It's my mind and I'll think what I want
Show me I'm wrong, hurt me sometime
But some day, I'll treat you real fine

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2007


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OK seguramente ya conocen a esta banda.....rapida e intensa, por aqui lei que le decian power psyscho....no lo he corroborado nunca en otro lugar....seguramente si....exudan poder estos brasileños

OK...probably you allready know about this band......fast and intense, here i read its called power psycho........never heard again....but surelly they do call it that way.......this brazilians exude power

estoy seguro que por mi falta de compromiso nadie visita este blog jajjajaja

I am sure that due to my lack of commitment nobody visit this blog hahahaha

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2007


llevo meses con estos dos proyectos en la cabeza....el segundo es mucho mas grande que este......asi que me tardare un poco mas.....pero el motivo de que me anime a postear este proyecto es que tuve un gran fin de semana.....

Esta es una cancion de nofx que se llama 13 stitches....

well, i had this proyets in my head for months, two of them.....the second one is bigger so it might be delayed some more time......but the reason for me doing this post its because i had a great weekend......

This is a nofx song, called 13 stitches......

The first time i saw The Descendents,
they were the fastest band i'd ever seen
no one in the crowd really cared for them,
we were waiting for The Ally Cats to play

After a couple months i heard Kabuki Girl,
on Rodney On The Roo late sunday night
that was enough
for me, i hopped the bus
to Licorice Pizza
and baught my all time favorite record

the next time i went to the whiskey,
it was DOA with Millions of Dead Copsthe latter band played faster than i could believe
but the songs sounded the same and kinda sucked
'cept John Wayne was a Nazi,
and Joey Shithead was a drunk
then John Macias beat some hippie to a pulp,
cuz having long hair was a mistake

the third time i went to the hospital,
i needed 13 stitches in my head
i managed to catch about 6 songs of Ill Repute,
then some suicidal threw me into a post
my girlfriend started to cry
cuz we had to leave
before DRI played 50 lousy songs
my blood stained shirt smelled of clove cigarettes
but it sure looked pretty cool after a wash

The Descendents-----Cool To Be You
The Alley Cats-----Nightmare City
Kabuki Girl-----A Descendents's song from the record Milo Goes to College
D.O.A.-----True, Strong & Free
Millions of Dead Cops-----Millions Of Dead Cops(record)
John Wayne was a Nazi-----Song from the MDC(millions of dead cops) from the same record i uploaded
Ill Repute-----Oxnard,land of no toilets ep
D.R.I.-----(Dirty Rotten Imbecils) Dirty Rotten Ep

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2007

post corto, debido a falta de informacion


mmmmmm aqui esta un tributillo que encontre por ahi...no hay portada porque no la encontre, no hay ni siquiera fotos de ese grupo no se nada....solo se que es un tributo a esa banda que a todos nos gusto y que luego se volvio basura y desaparecio....

here, a tribute i found around...theres no album cover, no pics of the band no nothing nothing I could find around on the web......the only we may know its that it is a tribute to a band everybody once loved and then became shit and desapeared


miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2007

no tengo tiempo de pensar en un titulo atractivo para este post.......no pregunten ando ocupado

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los largos altos tejanos....banda de rockabilly, con un par de toques de psycho...este disco segun salio en el 91 pero otros lados dicen que en el 97...y en otros dicen que se grabo en 97 y salio en 2002..no se..me vale e importa poco....esta bueno disfrutenlo

the long tall texans......rockabilly, with a cuuple hits of psycho.......some places say this record came out on 91, othes in 97, others say it was recorded in 97 and released in 2002-....i dont care when......listen and give em a try on your ears...

sex and drums and rock and roll????

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2007


ok esta es una entrega especial.....es el demo de una banda de suecia que me encanta literalmente los amo...no solo por su musica sino porque son grandes son simplemente grandes tiene un disco llamado "There´s No Business Like Horror Businnes"" de alguna manera(no les dire como) puse mis garras sobre el y me hice de dicho disco con su permiso y es simplemente maravilloso no puedo decir nada mas
el demo tiene un gran sonido, y esta aún mas depurado en el disco....les dejo una pequeña prueba de su sonido y sus grandes liricas ya que sin su permiso no subire su disco a pesar de que generalmente no me importaria, pero debido a la estima que les tengo no lo hare

well sometime ago I promised something, due to technical problemes I was not able to keep my promise up.....this is a special delivery.....its the demo from a Sweden band that I literally love.....its not just their music its great but because they are really great people really great. Theyve got a record called "There´s No Business Like Horror Businnes"" sometime ago, somehow (im not gonna tell you how) i got my claws on it and its simply wonderfull. Im gonna give you the demo just for you to get a taste on them; it has a good clear sound and their style its more clear on the record itself. Great music, excllent lyrics. Without their permission im not gonna upload "There´s No Business Like Horror Businnes"" because i really apreciated what they did for me...generally i wouldnt mind to upload anything but they are somepiece of work and i do appreciate them, and couldnt upload it without their permission

01. Monster Girl
02. Cabin Fever
03. The Pain Of The Night
04. Murder In A Blue World
05. My Heart Belongs to the Night
06. Zombie Blood


mi pequeña reseña del disco viende aca despues:

here its my little review for the record

Sonido consistente durante todo el disco, plagado de horror hasta por debajo de la lengua, lyricas que a fiend/ghoul/ghoulina/zombie o creatura de su preferencia (amantes del horror como yo) lo conmueven desde la primera estrofa. Es bastante preciso en su mensaje para cualquiera que intente comprender metaforas de horror. Grandes canciones. Comprenlo ya. deben de.
A lo largo del disco les recomiendo las siguientes canciones:

Consistent and clear sound through all the recording, plagued with horror even under your tongue, lyrics that every fiend/ghoul/ghoulina/zombie or the creatre of your choise (horror lovers like myself) rock of their tomb even from the firs line. The message its very clear and pointed in most songs to any metaphoric horror fan. Great songs,become fans and love em as well. Buy the record now! its a must!!!!!
The songs are as follows:

las que me encantan estan en morado/my favorites are purple

01. Monster Girl
02.Graveyard Lover
03. My Amy Sue
04. Cabin Fever
05. Switchblade Sister
06. Ginger Snaps
07. Murder In A Blue World
08. The Ghouls Are Coming!
09. The Pain Of The Night
10. Zombie Blood
11. The Vampire Beast Craves Blood
12. Good Bye Racoon City
13. The Unnameable Returns
14. Unheimlich


miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2007

CANCERSLUG 4...entrega especial

y aun mas.....estos son 4 discos previos al book of rats y al curse of arcanum y a ambos battle hymns.....algunas canciones estan repetidas pero las versiones son diferentea sonm un poco mas rasposas mas opacas mas antiguas mas mas mas mas etc.....decidan si les gusta y ya alguien diga si le gusta cancerslug tanto como a mi

more and more....this records are previous to book of rats, curse of arcanum, and both battle hymns........some songs are repeated but the recording its older, a little bit gray, and and and and more.......decide if you like cancerslug and please say if you like it as much as me


CANCERSLUG II:in the dumpster, behind the clinic

CANCERSLUG III:alabama bloodbath

CANCERSLUG IV:the beast with two backs


sábado, 28 de julio de 2007

mas cancerslug...como nadie dijo que no le gusto ni nadie dijo que si...pues a la mierda y sigo subiendo lo que yo quiera....bueno asi siempre sera...

more cancerslug..nobody said they dont want it, no one said they want more....so ill keep posting everithing i feel like....just as always

demonic angel
i love pain
in the dumpster behind the clinic
within her skin
alter of sacrifice
the torture throne
infernal orgasmic
mistress death
all that remains
straight razor rape
the enemy
rats in the walls


demonic angel opens up her wings deep inside of me

sábado, 21 de julio de 2007

CANCERSLUG POST 1---- Battle Hymns I

chan...que les puedo decir...eso es de las cosas mas cercanas a "gore en punk" le dicen por ahi SCUMPUNK....es u poco sucio pero es bueno sonido fuerte con una voz extraña, es entre melodica y fuerte, es como que aspera tiene un poquillo de coros OHHHH OHHHH a lo misfits pero no es de ese estilo....las letras estan pesadonas un poco de odio al mundo un poco de amor por el(pero muy poco) tiene letras fuertes de odio como RETROABORTION y termina con un ""final feliz" ahi chequen lsa liricas otras divertidonas como THE COULDA BEENS unas mas punkrokeras como ALLEY WAYS AND DITCHES y otras simplemente incomplensibles disfrutenlo

ups what can i say?.....its the closest thing to "gore played punk" its so called SCUMPUNK....its kinda trashy but nice sound with an unusual voice its between melocic and loud, kinda scrachy, its got some choruses of OHHHH OHHHH at misfits style buts its not that line it is following...the lyrics are kinda heavy some hate to the world and some love to the world(just a bit) got lyrics like RETROABORTION really fucked up and the with a happy ending, check the lyrics..some are fun like THE COULDA BEENS and som just a little bit more punk rock ALLEY WAYS AND DITCHES and some i could not understand whats it theri head...

alleyways and ditches
stalker's rage
my black angel
lady death
pale moonlight
i hold on
die you fucks
the coulda beens
beast with two backs
the sleep
3 days she bled, 3 days i bathed
the beyond


lo siente me ausente un monton de tiempo....ahora volvi..tenog mis epocas tengo derecho no? aajja

sorry, i got lost and could not get time to upload anything...im back....

por cierto la vieja del cantante esta mas rica que lo que puedes ver...una viejotototootototota chequenla en el maispeys y para las lyricas estan aca

by the way check the singers chick its so so so so so HOT check her maispeys and for the lyrics go here

martes, 29 de mayo de 2007

ANTI-FLAG rare (?)

Bueno aka les dejo un disco con canciones d este increible grupo canciones q han salido en compilados y cosas asi y no en sus albums oficiales bajenlo ya. no encontre la lista d canciones en ningun lado me da pereza copiar nombre por nombre d cancion.

Pesa: 48,9
Pass: mipechosobretuespalda.blogspot.com


I've got a heart sized crush on YOU

ok..antes que nada aviso es un archivo grande pero vale la pena, 2 el post tiene otro nombre...asi me siento carajo dejenlo ahi..no pregunten.......no tengo otro lugar para decirlo......3 el titulo tiene algo que ver con el post, a quien no le encanta una chava que sepa rockear, que sea guapa y etc. saben a lo que me refiero no? sino vean a las suicide girls.....

Ahora, el disco es un compilado de puras bandas de chavas se llama:
We Ain't Housewife Material
pero con una chava asi, a quien le importa, y cocino no hay prolema.....alguien mas lava y ya estamos del otro lado.

ok....first of all a little warning its a big file but its worth it, 2 the post has another name...thats the way I feel leave it like it is.....ive got non other place to say it........3 the records name has something linked to the tittle, who does not love a gilr that knows how to rock, and its georgeous and etc you know what i mean......if not check out the suicide girls....

lets talk about what you are looking for, the record its a compilation from alla girl bands, its called:
We Ain't Housewife Material
with a girl like that, who cares? ill cook someone else make the loundry and we are set to go..........pero con una chava asia quien le importa, y cocino no hay prolema.....alguien mas lava y ya estamos del otro lado.

1. Rock N Roll 69 - Betty Blowtorch
2. Sandy Starlight - Mensen
3. Arrest Me - Gee Strings
4. Slow Children - Elvis McMan
5. Have You Seen the Landscapes Today?
6. Wrestle With an Angel - Electric Turn to Me
7. Upside Down
8. Fighting to Keep Her Alive
9. Party
10. Sick Bitch - The Dirty Burds
11. Dead of Night - Tutsis
12. Fight Back
13. 7/11
14. Fragile - Ventral
15. Free Soul
16. Shut the Fuck Up
17. Punk Is Dead
18. Drunk Boogie
19. Kajitsu
20. Suny - Belly Button


me siento como:
i feel like:

devil doll - heart sized crush on you
dropkick murphys - kiss me im shit faced

me pondre a ver dracula de coppola para levantarme el animo...besos perras

Im gonna wantch dracula from f.f.coppola to cheer me up...love and kisses bithces

sábado, 26 de mayo de 2007

Welcome To Circus Punk-A-Billy

compilado de bandas de punka y psychobilly....lo compre hace tiempo y me gusto mucho de mis primeras adquisiciones de psychobilly...me encanta...

a little compilation from punka ans psychobilly bands...bought it a while ago and really liked it......one of my fists psychobilly records

Nekromantix -Backstagepass To Hell
2 Shark Soup -Frustrations
3 Klingonz -I'm Old (But I Used To Be Young)
4 Mad Sin -Rock Against Ass
5 Ed Random Band -The Steps Of Descent
6 Cenobites -My Mission
7 Peacocks -What Kids Want
8 Godless Wicked Creeps -Coward With A Gun
9 Lucky Devils -Oh Babe
10 Astro Zombies -Bertha Lou
11 OS Catalepticos -Like In A Gasoline Tank
12 Phantom Rockers -Brand New Cadillac
13 Hillbilly Club -Traitors Go To Hell
14 Washington Dead Cats -JuJu (WoWow)
15 Ripmen -Death School
16 Koffin' Kats -One Revived
17 Thee Flanders W/ Carlos Up To Veg -Undead
18 Psyclones -Brainsmasher
19 Banane Metalik -Mieux Vaut Tare
20 Hyperjax -Where Egos Dare
21 Wrecking Dead -Boys On The Docks
22 Die Chinesischen Gluckskekse -Pornostar
23 Komety -Krzywe Nogi
24 Hellbats -The Witch
25 Kings Of Nuthin' -Let It Burn
26 Bad Reputation -I Don't Like You
27 Bloodsucking Zombies -Eaters Of The Dead
28 Hangmen -Bad Blood
29 Chibuku -Weekend Song
30 Flesh -Internal


Payasos zombies, malabaristas terrorificos, animales fantasma.....

Zombie clowns, terrorific jugglers, ghost animals......

Tribbed for your Pleasure

regresando despues de pasar semanas en fin de semestre jodido y sin dormir.......un tributo a una gran banda...buenas canciones pero faltaron unas de las mejores tambien...no es el mejor tributo pero no es de los peores....esta lindo..disfrutenlo

im back from a time working and not sleeping...fucking colleg.....a tribute to a great band nice songs but a couple of the best ones were left outits not the best tribute but not the worst..its nice enjoy it....

1. Murder The Government
Artist: The Skulls
2. The Brews
Artist: Groovie Ghoulies
3. The Longest Line
Artist: Mach Pelican
4. Stickin In My Eye
Artist: Sidekick
5. Please Play This Song On The Radio
Artist: Xdxix
6. Don't Call Me White
Artist: Dr. Know
7. What's The Matter With Kids Today?
Artist: Söur
8. Linoleum
Artist: Chelsea
9. Liza
Artist: The Vibrators
10. Hot Dog In A Hallway
Artist: Flipper
11. El Lay
Artist: Fizzy Bangers
12. We Threw Gasoline On The Fire And Now We Have Stumps For Arms And No Eyebrows
Artist: King Dave


NOFX....marca de condones??

NOFX...condom brand??

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2007

Devil Doll -- Queen of Pain

Alguna vez lei que esta tipa dijo ""le estoy regresando la sensualidad o la sexualidad al rock"" algo asi dijo y es realidad ajjaj todas las cnciones son diferentess mezcla diferentes cosas...es como musica de cabaret pero linda....disfrutala me encanta Heart sized Crush y The best thing and the worst thing.....disfrutala ya!!!!

sometime ago i read ""im gonna bring sex back to rock"" or something like that...its in fact true jajaj..every song its diferent and rocks jajajja its like cabaret but it rocks.......enjoy!!

NO es la reina de corazones...es la reina del dolor...jajaj

NO queen of hearts....its the queen of pain......hhahah


AFI TRIBUTO.....pero en cuerdas

alguna vez se me imaginaron un tributo a una banda de punk hecho como si fuera musica clasica? yo si...de hecho hay un monton pero no habia uno que me gustara...este esta bueno...yo hubiera elegido canciones diferentes faltaron pequeños himnos de afi en este tributo

ever imagine a tribute to a punk band in clasical style??i did......there are several out there but no one that was as good...this one is neat.....the song choice is dead wrong....really good song were left out..

existe un tributo a atreyu en cuerdas tambien...como se atreven a ahcerle un tributo a una banda asquerosa y que apenas acaba de comenzar.....no se lo merecen

there is an atreyu tribute as well...how they dare.....the band sucks and they just started playing....DONT DESERVE IT


sábado, 21 de abril de 2007

THE BRIEFS password


soy un imbecil..la copie de la barra de firefox y no le quite el "/"....q mierda....ahi esta...

y copied it from firefox direcction bar and forgot to take the "/" out

sip..la cage otra vez arreglado

jueves, 12 de abril de 2007


la portada esta asqeurosa.........esta es una banda de canada, su primer disco de por alla en el 84, es de esas cosas que ves y decides escuchar para ver a que suenan, y pues me gusto es un hardcoresito melodico limpio facil de escuchar....tienen mas disco pero no tengo ninguno asi que si lo bajan pasenlo no.... ahi les dejo esa foto..se supone que son ellos pero quien sabe....

the album cover is horrible........band from montreal canada, firs cd out back in 84,i read he name and tried if i like em and i did...melodycore clean and easy to listen, got no more records of em, if you got em pass em..............ill sahre a foto its suposed to be them im not sure

si...la cague con el link de briefs...ya lo arregle....q basura......este lo cheque dos veces.....
yeap...i screwed it with the briefs download link..its fixed now.....this was double checked....

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2007


creo que en la entrada de Rocky Horror Punk Rock Show falto el track 17.... aca esta....

Rocky Horror Punk Rock Show track 17 is missing.....here it is...

creo que la cague....
opps I screwed it up.....

Steal Yer Heart

Los Calzoncillos cortos llegaron señores.....para robarse tu corazon....traduccion de lo que subo??? bueno...es punk q mas puedo decir..eso digo siempre...no se como describirlo...es un poco repetitivo..pero pues los mas repetitivos del mundo quienes son??? creo que escuche RAMONES..sip..ellos son y no son malos...sabes que los amas....amaras tambien a briefs....

its punk......its all that i always say...dont know how to describe it......sounds always kinda the same....but who does that??? i think i heard RAMONES.....they are the kings of repeat and repeat and they aint bad..... you know you love em.....and youll love the briefs too

1 Genital General
2 Criminal Youth
3 Move Too Slow
4 Lint Fabrik
5 Getting Hit On At The Bank
6 Stuck On You
7 I Can't Work
8 Can't Get Through
9 My Girl (Wants To Be A Zombie)
10 Normal Jerks
11 Forty and Above
12 Razorblade Heart

odio divshare...me acabo de dar cuenta
I hate divshare....i just realize it


martes, 10 de abril de 2007

Catch 22 - 1996 - rules of the game (demo)

En este cassette hay algunos temas q sacaron antes de grabar su 1er disco dos años despues Keasbey Nights donde volvieron a grabar la mayor parte de los temas que tenian como demo. Al parecer "Shoebox in My Closet" y "I'm Better than You" nunca mas las grabaron.. bueno disfrutenlo besos

  1. "Day in/Day out" – 3:34
  2. "I'm Better than You" – 1:20
  3. "Sick and Sad" – 2:39
  4. "As the Footsteps Die out Forever" – 3:25
  5. "This One Goes out to..." – 3:00
  6. "Shoebox in My Closet" – 2:47
  7. "Supernothing" – 2:39

Peso : 17.21 MB
password la de 100pre pero bueno ahi ta : mipechosobretuespalda.blogspot.com

Oh si

Catch 22 - Live

Disco en vivo de esta increible banda, la mejor de su genero, ska punk carajo, espero lo disfruten.
  1. "Welcome" – 0:26
  2. "Lamont's Lament" – 1:46
  3. "Rocky" – 3:24
  4. "It Takes Some Time" – 3:09
  5. "On And On And On" – 2:58
  6. "Motown Cinderella" – 2:13
  7. "Riding The Fourth Wave" – 1:25
  8. "Sounds Good, But I Don't Know" – 1:49
  9. "Sick And Sad" – 2:23
  10. "Chin Up" – 2:59 (Pat Calpin, Catch
  11. "9mm And A 3 Piece Suit" – 1:52
  12. "Good Times" – 3:15
  13. "Dear Sergio" – 2:31
  14. "Intro/Point The Blame" – 2:23
  15. "Sincerely Yours" – 1:54
  16. "Dreams Of Venus" – 3:11
  17. "What Goes Around Comes Around" – 3:27
  18. "Arm To Arm" – 2:19
  19. "Keasbey Nights" – 3:55
  20. "Chasing The Moon" – 1:14
  21. "12341234" – 4:45
Peso : 68.02 MB


The Rocky Horror Punk Rock Show

q puedo decir....mmmmmm...es el soundtrack de una pelicula/musical viejo pero hecho en punk.....la verdad nunca la he visto pero siempre me he muerto de ganas...alguien la tiene que me la preste??mmmmm q mas hay muchas bandas conocidonas y desconocidonas....de mis canciones favoritas esta la de the independents y la de me first and the gimme gimmes........ los groovie ghoulies me descepcionaron, esa es la cancion del baile de la pelicula pudieron haberla hecho con mas emocion....

what can i say? its the soundtrack of an old movie/musical but made punk style..ive never seen the movie and im dying to....any one can loan it? many known bands and many unknown....favorite songs the intepents and the me first and the Gimme Gimmes.......grovie ghoulies disapointed me...thats a main song in the movie they could have done it more fun and amusing.

1 "Science Fiction/Double Feature" - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
2 "Dammit, Janet" - Love Equals Death
3 "Over at the Frankinstein Place" - Alkaline Trio
4 "The Time Warp" - The Groovie Ghoulies
5 "Sweet Transvestite" - Apocalypse Hoboken
6 "The Sword of Damocles" - The Independents
7 "I Can Make You a Man" - Pansy Division
8 "Hot Patootie (Bless My Soul)" - The Phenomenauts
9 "I Can Make You A Man (Reprise)" - The Secretions
10 "Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me" - The Chubbies
11 "Once in a While" - Big D and the Kids Table
12 "Eddie" - Swingin' Utters
13 "Planet, Schmanet, Janet" - Tsunami Bomb
14 "Rose Tint My World/Floor Show" - Luckie Strike
15 "Fanfair/Don't Dream It" - Stunt Monkey
16 "Wild and Untamed Thing" - Gametime
17 "I'm Going Home" - The Migranes
18 "Super Heroes" - Ruth's Hat
19 "Science Fiction Double Feature (Reprise)" - The Ataris



lunes, 9 de abril de 2007


bueno ya estoy aca de regreso....andaba accidentado...me voltee y me atropellaron..q sestupido no...y todo eso en una cuatrimoto q asco doy..pero bueno ya creo estar mejor....asi que comencemos a subir cosas lindas para que disfruten

Im back....i was down cause i was injured.....i rolled over on an suv and then y got hit by another one....yeah sure sounds stupid all that in an suv......i guess im better now..lets start uploading nice things for you to enjoy...


Conoci a este grupo español por la cancion ""la hierba de los caminos"" la baje en un compilado y me encanto....punk rock con conciencia, lo podrias llamar anarko pero esta bien realizado asi que no quiero llamarlo asi....tiene un cover/parodia/homenaje o com quieras llamarle a ""YO SOY REBELDE" esa cancion que nuestros papas escuchaban y se creian malos y rebeldes.....todo el disco es muy bueno y es como para escucharlo antes de llegar a un concierto y meterte al mosh/slam/pull como quieran llamarlo......bajalo ya esta caliente acaba de salir del horno

punk rock from spain, nicely put but unless you speak spanish you aint gonna get it full way......download it to try.....

1. Fuego y revolución
2. Ahmed
3. Drogaína
4. En la basura de los ricos
5. Los enemigos
6. Una mañana
7. A nuestra "querida" benemérita
8. La hierba de los caminos
9. ¿Solidaridad?
10. Va por ustedes
11. Señores y opresores
12. Piedras contra tanques
13. Nuevas generaciones
32MB +-
password: mipechosobretuespalda.blogspot.com


Aki les va algunos discos y eps de afi todos tiene el mismo password espero les guste pronto subo mas de estos manes

Here is som AFI cd`s and ep`s all of em got the same password later ill upload more from them


A Fire Inside EP (1998)

  1. "3 ½" – 2:22
  2. "Over Exposure" – 2:03
  3. "The Hanging Garden" – 4:21 (The Cure cover)
  4. "Demonomania" – 0:46 (The Misfits cover)

1999 - Black Sails On The Sunset

  1. "Strength Through Wounding" – 1:33
  2. "Porphyria Cutanea Tarda" – 2:07
  3. "Exsanguination" – 2:48
  4. "Malleus Maleficarum" – 4:01
  5. "Narrative of Soul Against Soul" – 2:29
  6. "Clove Smoke Catharsis" – 4:38
  7. "Lower It" - 2:16
  8. "The Prayer Position" – 3:27
  9. "No Poetic Device" – 2:16
  10. "The Last Kiss" – 3:02
  11. "Weathered Tome" – 2:12
  12. "At a Glance" – 4:00
  13. "God Called In Sick Today" – 3:21

(2002) 336 10inch

  1. "Now The World" – 4:01
  2. "Reivers Music" – 3:24

(1996) Very Proud of Ya

  1. He Who Laughs Last..., 1:50
  2. File 13, 1:48
  3. Wake-Up Call, 1:42
  4. Cult Status, 1:57
  5. Perfect Fit, 1:58
  6. Advances in Modern Technology, 1:40
  7. Theory of Revolution, 1:32
  8. This Secret Ninja, 2:20
  9. Soap Box Derby, 2:25
  10. Aspirin Free, 2:45
  11. Fishbowl, 1:51
  12. Charles Atlas, 2:22
  13. Crop Tub, 1:50
  14. Consult My Lover, 1:35
  15. Take the Test, 1:46
  16. Two of a Kind, 1:35
  17. Shatty Fatmas, 1:46
  18. Yürf Rendenmein, 2:12
  19. Cruise Control,1:11
  20. Modern Epic, 1:47

(1995) Fly In The Ointment 7inch

  1. "Theory Of Revolution" - 01:24
  2. "Crop Tub" - 01:48
  3. "Cruise Control" - 01:09
  4. "Open Your Eyes [Circus Tents cover]" - 01:13

(1995) Answer That and Stay Fashionable

  1. "Two of a Kind" – 1:29
  2. "Half-Empty Bottle" – 1:39
  3. "Yürf Rendenmein" – 2:13
  4. "I Wanna Get A Mohawk (But Mom Won't Let Me Get One)" – 1:12
  5. "Brownie Bottom Sundae" – 1:46
  6. "The Checkered Demon" – 2:08
  7. "Cereal Wars" – 1:16
  8. "The Mother In Me" – 2:04
  9. "Rizzo in the Box" – 1:51
  10. "Kung-Fu Devil" – 2:12
  11. "Your Name Here" – 2:27
  12. "Ny-Quil" – 2:06
  13. "Don't Make Me Ill" – 2:40
  14. "Open Your Eyes" – 1:16 (Circus Tents Cover)
  15. "High School Football Hero" – 1:31 (Nitro version is 15:04)

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2007

The World/Inferno Friendship Society -- Just the Best Party

sigamos con cosas con folckor....las canciones son excelentes te sientes como en un carnaval...como en el mardi gras si lo queires ver asi.....muy potente el disco..

Lets stick to the folk.........excelent songs they make you feel like you are in a carnival or mardi gras if you prefer........really powerfull record

Zen And The Art Of Breaking Everything In This Room
My Ancestral Homeland, New Jersey
Heart Attack '64
Secret Service Freedom Fighting U.S.A.
Friend To The Friendless
Peter Lorre
I Wouldn't Want To Live In A World Without Grudges
Just The Best Party
Go With It Girl
The Naughty Little Rat Makes New Friends
Stay On The Charming Side Of Drunk
All The World Is A Stage (Dive)

me gusta mucho "Friend To The Friendless""
I really like ""Friend To The Friendless""


Dropkick Murphys -- Blackout

disculparan el retraso pero los servidores se estaban portando mal la semana pasada....si no me disculpan me importa poco....Otro disco de Dropkick...es mejor que el anterior que subi a mi parecer...q les guste..

sorry for the delay the servers were fucked up last week.......if you dont accept my apologies i really cant care less....another Dropkick better thatn the lasat one I uploaded enjoy it

Walk Away"
"Worker's Song" (Ed Pickford)
"The Outcast"
"Black Velvet Band" (Traditional, Dropkick Murphys)
"Gonna Be a Blackout Tonight" (Woody Guthrie, Dropkick Murphys)
"World Full of Hate"
"Buried Alive"
"The Dirty Glass"
"Fields of Athenry" (Pete St. John)
"Bastards on Parade"
"As One"
"This Is Your Life"
"Time to Go"
"Kiss Me I'm Shitfaced"

cuando escucho este grupo me da ganas de tomar whyskey en una cantina sucia
when i listen to them i feel like drinking whyskey in an old pub


sábado, 3 de marzo de 2007

Osaka Popstar - Osaka Popstar & the American Legends of Punk

Aqui les va mi teoria......los osaca popstar son racistas....ya ven la portada??? sale John Cafiero y atras tres sombras no cuatro.....quien es la que falta?? obvio el negro del grupo...porque deduzco esto si son sombras y son negras??? bueno en todas las fotos que encontre del grupo solo hay una q sale Ivan Julian(el negro) y en las demas..aunque sean comics sale hasta el bajo de jerry only pero no sale el.....busquenlo ustedes mismos google fotos no miente....la verdad no me gusta este grupo tanto pero lo subi para probarles que un grupo hecho de estrellas no sera necesariamente bueno.....las canciones de sailor moon y de astro boy son basura..las demas estan pasables no son lo mejor pero no son lo peor......

Here is my theory.......they are racists...did you saw the album cover?John Cafiero with 3 shadows, not four.....who's missing???of course the black one of the group...why y say this if those are blacj shadows??? well in every single osaca popstar pic i found only in one Ivan Julian(the black dude) appears, in the others even if the pic is a drawing jerry only`s bass is featured but not the black dude...google pics dosent lie check it yourselfs.....i really dont like this band a lot, i just uloaded it to prove that a band made from star its not gonna be great just cause of that....songs sailor moon and astro boy are shit....the other ones are just average.....not the best but not the worst.......

"Wicked World"
"Astro Boy"
"Sailor Moon"
"Man of Constant Sorrow"
"I Live off You"
"Xmas Intro (That Almost Wasn't)"
"The Christmas That Almost Wasn't"
"Love Comes in Spurts"
"Blank Generation"
"Where's the Cap'n?"
"Shaolin Monkeys"

q asco me dan nazis sucios
I feel sick filthy nazis





martes, 27 de febrero de 2007

Dropkick Murphys - The Warriors Code

Punk Irlandes???Punk Folklorico??No me importa es Punk Rock bueno y punto. es su ultimo disco tiene una cancion sobre un sargento de la guerra de iraq q era su fan, murio en su cumplaños a poco tiempo de regresar. Antes de eso le mando una carta a su mama agradeciendole por haberle mandado el disco nuevo (el anterio el Blackout) y que le encantaba su version de una cancion irlandesa tradicional....que si algo le pasaba en iraq queria esa cancion en su funeral...bueno ellos se enteraron de esto y la tocaron con las gaitas en su funeral...bueno la cancion habla de ello vean las liricas.....disfrutenlo

Irish Punk?Folk Punk????? I dont care, it a really great punk rock band and thats it. This is their laste record has a song about a sargent fan of theirs that died in iraq, died on his birthday and died soon before going back.He grote a letter to her mother thankig her she send a copy of their last record(Blackout) and that he loved their version of a traditional irish song, and that if something happened to him he wanted that song in his funeral...well the band somehow found about this and played that song in his funeral with the bagpipes, nice song, nice lyrics nice record....enjoy



viernes, 23 de febrero de 2007

There is no business like Horror Business.........

nada como chupar en el estacionamiento de la comercial......pero bueno me desperte con poco animo entonces...q debes escuchar para amenizar las cosas????obvio a los reyes MISFITS...no voy a subir nada de ellos porque seguro ya tienen la discografia completa....este es un disco de gente que quiere ser como ellos a unos les sale a otros no....resaltan Blitzkid, Ghouls(los dos grupos( y Teenagers From Mars
no encuentro el track list no pienso escribirlo
el archivo es grande..no lo corto porque me patea las bolas cuando lo hacen en otros blogs

nothing like drinkin in the parking lot of a convenience store hahah..I woke up kinda down....so think what you should listen???obiously the king THE MISFITS....not gonna post nothing from them because you probably have it all..........this is a record from people who what to be like them..so do it right some dont......highlights Blitzkid, Ghouls(both of them) and Teenagers From Mars
cant find the traclist and im not goning to type it
the file is large, i didnt cut it because i feel its like a punch below the belt when they do that in other blogs

sonrie mau..sonrie..total no es para tanto
cheer up mau......cheer up......for matter of fact its not that big problem


SUBHUMANS -- The Day the Country Died

punk rock de inglaterra.....buen disco bajalo escuchalo y pasaselo a tus amigos....por cierto esta banda la ""descubri"" porque vi una camiseta que llevaba elHefe en un concierto y dije eso nunca lo he escuchado

punk rock from england...download it and share it to your friends...bye the way i discovered this band because i saw elHefe with with the logo on a concert so i thought....i have never listened to that

1"All Gone Dead" – 1:53
2"Ashtray Dirt" – 1:22
3"Killing" – 1:49
4"Minority" – 1:17
5"Mickey Mouse Is Dead" – 2:44
6"Nothing I Can Do" – 2:30
7"Dying World" – 2:57
8"Subvert City" – 4:14
9"Big Brother" – 1:55
10"New Age" – 1:49
11"I Don’t Wanna Die" – 1:29
12"No" – 1:49
13"Zyklon-B-Movie" – 2:12
14"’Til The Pigs Come Round" – 2:01
15"No More Gigs" – 2:53
16"Black And White" – 3:36

tengo hambre hoy comere pollo
im hungry today ill eat chicken


jueves, 22 de febrero de 2007

X-Ray Spex - Germ free adolescents

ok punk rock new wave de los 70 una banda super buena creo q solo tienen este disco y por ahi uno con mas canciones o en vivo cosas asi voz femenina Poly Styrene y con saxo muy bacan.. aunke no fueron tan berreados como sex pistols y mierdas asi este grupo es parte importante de la historia del buen punk q en algun momento existio.. disfrutenlo... dios es amor

ok punk rock new wave from the 70`s this is a great band, i think this is their only record out or one more live....female voice Poly Styrene and a really cool sax....not as known live the pistols and shit like that this isreally important part of punk history..of really good punk history that once upon a time existed.. enjoy... good is love

  1. "Art-i-ficial"
  2. "Obsessed With You"
  3. "Warrior In Woolworths"
  4. "Let's Submerge"
  5. "I Can't Do Anything"
  6. "Identity"
  7. "Genetic Engineering"
  8. "I Live Off You"
  9. "I Am a Poseur"
  10. "Germ Free Adolescents"
  11. "Plastic Bag"
  12. "The Day the World Turned Dayglo"
40 mB
password la de 100pre pilas

ah cierto la perra q cantaba ahi se convirtio en Hare Krishna en los 80s
by the way that bitch converted to Hare Krishna in the 80`s


lunes, 19 de febrero de 2007

Devils Brigade -- Vampire Girl Ep

Tim Armstrong + Matt Freeman + Brett Reed......a que te suena eso?¿? Rancid?Bueno la verdad si pero falta Lars.....lei que esto es solo Rancid tocando psychobilly pero bueno asi puede ser......tiene el golpeteo de las cuerdas del contrabajo, la voz de haberte tomado una botella y fumado dos cajetillas antes de empezar a cantar y una bateria consistente......no es el mejor psychobilly pero hay peores.......por cierto me costo un chingo conseguirlo lo busque durante 4 meses

Armstrong + Matt Freeman + Brett Reed......and youll say now thats Rancid?the truth its that Lars is missing.......i rad that some say its Rancid playing psychobilly, it may be, may be no.......it has the claping of the stand up base strings, the voice like youve just drank a bottle of jack and smoke a couple packs of cigarretes before recording and a very nice consistent drums.....its not the best pyschobilly but its not the worst........by the way it was really hard to get it...i was looking por it for 4 months

1.Vampire Girl
2.Ride Harley Ride
3.What Have You Done Lately

esto es solo una rareza para los fans de Rancid
think of it as a b side for Rancid Fans


The Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13 -- Night of the Living Drag Queens

Verga que esta largo el titulo de este post......buen disco..buena banda aunque se vistan de mujer.....seguramente son mas hombres que tu....se visten de niñas y tocan deathrock fuerte y con bolas.......Aunque su nombre suena a cliche y parece que tiene todo lo usual y comun en las bandas de horror, las palabras "Frankenstenin" "From Planet..." y "13" son una excelente banda

fuck this post title is really long......really cool record....nice band taking away the fact they perform as drags...surelly they are more masculine than you...they dress like girls and play deathrock strong and with balls.....Their name may sound cliche in the horror genre,words like "Frankenstenin" "From Planet..." and "13" but they are excellent

1.Mr Motherfucker
2.Twist My Sister
3.Let's Go to War
4.Die My Bride
6.Scary Song
8.I Love Me
9.Full Metal Jackoff
10.Crossdressing G.D.S.O.B.
11.I Don't Wanna Be Your Friend
13.Motel Killafornia
14.She's a Man
15.Foot in Mouth
16.Going to Hell

pruebalos y diles a tus amigos que te gustan los trasvestidos.....
try´em and tell your friends you like the drags.......


viernes, 16 de febrero de 2007

Trashlight Vision - Alibis & Ammunition

Unico disco de Trashlight, fuerte, rapido..............tiene un cover de Ramones bien hecho y las demas canciones son propias. Voz rasposa y medio chillona pero esta bien asi suena mejor, guitarras potentes y bateria linda que sigue todo.....a veces se mandan sus riffs extraños pero con tal no es desesperante ni aburrido como los del metal.......ahi les dejo una foto que vi y me gusto...esta muy coqueta jajajaj que marica suena eso jajajja

First and only record from Trashlight, strong and fast...........one Ramones cover nicely done and the rest of the tracks are of their own. Scrachy voice and kinda hi pitch but thats fine that way sound better, powerfull guitars and nice drums that follow everything, sometimes they make strange riffs but those ones are not boring as metal ones...theres a picture i liked clock work orange!!!!!

disfrutalo perra...no digas que no......
enjoy it...dont refuse!!!!

password: mipechosobretuespalda.blogspot.com